German technology
Humic Substances Based Products
Humintech GmbH
Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
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Mexican business delegation visits Humintech

On 4 September, Humintech had the honour of welcoming a 16-strong business delegation from Mexico. This initiative, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics, aims to provide the participants with in-depth insights into the German SME sector - a mission that Humintech accepted with enthusiasm.

The company proudly guided the visitors through the production facilities of its humic substances and the associated laboratory to demonstrate its rigorous quality assurance processes. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Dergham (Technical and Sales Manager) and Mr. Jaramillo (Manager for Latin America), a fruitful discussion ensued which opened up many more perspectives and stimulated a lively exchange. The day was rounded off with an invitation to lunch together in Gustorf.

Humintech sincerely hopes that the delegation found the visit a valuable enrichment and wishes the participants that the impressions and experiences they gained will contribute to sustainable success in their respective companies and in their home countries.


Humintech ist ein Biotechunternehmen mit Sitz in Grevenbroich. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Erforschung, Entwicklung und industriellen Produktion von  Huminstoffen und Huminsäuren für den Landwirtschaftssektor. Unsere Produkte finden außerdem Verwendung in der Futtermittel-, Pharma- und Bauindustrie, der Veterinärmedizin und bei ökologischen Anwendungen wie etwa der Wasserreinigung und Bodensanierung.



Humintech GmbH

Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich / Deutschland 

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
E-Mail senden


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