German technology
Humic Substances Based Products
Humintech GmbH
Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich

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What are Humic Acids?

What are Humic Acids and their sources? 

Humic matteris formed through the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms. (Ill.1). The biological center, the main fraction of natural humic matter, are the humic acids, which contain humic acid and fulvic acid. Humic acids are an excellent natural and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. They are complex molecules that exist naturally in soils, peats, oceans and fresh waters. The best source of humic acids are the sedimentation layers of soft brown coal, which are referred to as Leonardite. Humic acids are found in high concentration here. Leonardite is organic matter, which has not reached the state of coal and differs from soft brown coal by its high oxidation degree, a result of the process of coal formation (bog>peat>coal), and high humic acids content as well as higher carboxyl groups.

Compared to other organic products, Leonardite is very rich in humic acids. While Leonardite is the end product of a humification process lasting 70 million years, the formation period of peat, for instance, is completed within only a few thousand years. The difference between Leonardite and other sources of humic acids lies in its property that Leonardite is extremely bioactive through its molecular structure. This biological activity is about five times stronger than other humic matter as one kilogram Leonardite corresponds to about 5 kilogram of other organic sources of humic acids. In terms of humic acids content, one liter of Liqhumus (liquid concentrate) is equivalent to 7-8 metric tons of organic manure. Similarly, one kilogram of Powhumus (concentrated powder) is equivalent to about 30 metric tons of manure.

Typical fields of application humic acids alkali salts in the industry sector

Paper dyeing

At the dyeing of wrapping and cardboard paper, humic acids alkali salts are applied for the dyeing of the pulp as well as for dyeing layers. The dyed papers shows a high degree of light resistance and a improved density, closeness, firmness and resistance to bending and drift punch. They increase the bonding, curtail the crack length of the final products and work as humidity regulators in the finished products due to their structure. Depending on the desired hue the total amount of added humic acids alkali salts at the dyeing of the pulp ranges between 2 to 6 percent by weight, while at dyeing of the layer the consumption is about 0.25 percent by weight.

Rheological applications

At the liquefaction of viscous of clay drilling fluids or at the activation of probe heads of the clay drilling fluid humic acids alkali salts are applied with up to 1 percent by weight.  For the tamponade of the cement blend humic acids alkali salts are used as a cement hardening inhibitors with up to 1 percent by weight at a temperature up to 80 degrees.


Due to its buffering, absorbing, antimicrobial and chelating properties humic acids sodium salt is used as ingredient in cosmetics.

Humic acids contents > 60 %  
Solubility of the humic acids alkali salts > 95%

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