German technology
Humic Substances Based Products
Humintech GmbH
Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
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Humintech at the IPM 2020 Essen-Germany 
Visit our stand in Hall 3 - 3E74 

From January 28 to 31, 2020, the international horticultural sector will meet up at IPM ESSEN. In addition to an extensive range available from the exhibitors, the world's leading fair for horticulture will once more offer an exclusive and informative supporting program. No matter whether competitions such as the Show Your Colors Award, the Future Congress of Horticultors and Landscapers, trendy live shows in the FDF World or the Innovation Showcase - trade visitors will learn a lot worth knowing in order to make themselves and their businesses fit for the future and will be able to establish new contacts at the same time.

The world's leading horticultural trade fair revolves around solutions and innovations in the green sector. The International Plant Fair has been held annually at Messe Essen since 1983. Here exhibitors increasingly present products that are sustainable and suitable for climate change. These include heat- and cold-tolerant plant and shrub varieties, environmentally friendly and resource-saving packaging solutions, organic fertilisers and substrates, air-cleaning, easy-to-care for indoor plants and pots made of sustainable and biodegradable materials.


Humintech ist ein Biotechunternehmen mit Sitz in Grevenbroich. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Erforschung, Entwicklung und industriellen Produktion von  Huminstoffen und Huminsäuren für den Landwirtschaftssektor. Unsere Produkte finden außerdem Verwendung in der Futtermittel-, Pharma- und Bauindustrie, der Veterinärmedizin und bei ökologischen Anwendungen wie etwa der Wasserreinigung und Bodensanierung.



Humintech GmbH

Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich / Deutschland 

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
E-Mail senden


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