Viticulture Days 2020 in Wittlich, Germany

Nobody said it was gonna be easy: Viticulture demands a lot from the soil. The constant depletion of nutrients means that there is a constant need to help build up the humus layer of the soil and to optimize both the content and availability of nutrients.
This can be achieved with products based on humic acids, as presented by HUMINTECH at the Wittlich Viticulture Days. Volker Gerdelmann, Sales Manager for Western Europe with HUMINTECH, advised quality-aware winegrowers and provided information on the properties of humic acids that are outstandingly suitable for viticulture (see applications vineyards).
The Viticulture Days are an annual, two-day trade fair with an extensive schedule of lectures. In addition, almost 60 exhibitors provide information about their products and services related to viticulture.
We would like to thank everyone who visited us at our stand, especially for the interesting questions, exciting discussions and great new contacts.